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Thursday, June 21, 2012


hey penguins are now for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!  the carnival has some new plushies, there is a crystals sands journey book :D and arcade games are now half off. HAPPY JAMMING JAMMERS!!!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

First Post: Summer Carnival

Hey everyone! Welcome to the blog. I'm going to talk about the summer carnival now

That is my seal. I use her the most. Anyways we can get to the carnival by clicking the summer carnival in the party tab.

 Got to the cotton candy both. You can make cotton candy here. If you make black, white, and black you get a PHANTOM cotton candy shaped thing.

Let's see the prizes. I hope they add more soon :( In the pictures you can see other pet plushies that aren't released yet. Could this mean they will be released next month?



You can also play games for tickets and can print stuff to play too. Catch candy, whack phantoms, ski ball llike games, and  have fun! Just look for the game symbol.